Anger Management:
Anger is a very natural reaction to what is perceived by the individual as a threat. It has a range of intensities and can be expressed in many ways. It is the way in which one expresses this anger that it can become problematic. Mismanaged anger is counterproductive, unhealthy and creates problems. Anger management assists the individual with developing the skills needed to recognize anger either in themselves or others and utilize the necessary coping skills in order to take appropriate action to deal with the situation in a more positive way. Therapy is useful for identifying triggers and early warning signs, understanding negative patterns of behaviors and learning how to identify the underlying emotion and express it in a more healthy way.
Anger is a very natural reaction to what is perceived by the individual as a threat. It has a range of intensities and can be expressed in many ways. It is the way in which one expresses this anger that it can become problematic. Mismanaged anger is counterproductive, unhealthy and creates problems. Anger management assists the individual with developing the skills needed to recognize anger either in themselves or others and utilize the necessary coping skills in order to take appropriate action to deal with the situation in a more positive way. Therapy is useful for identifying triggers and early warning signs, understanding negative patterns of behaviors and learning how to identify the underlying emotion and express it in a more healthy way.

Red Cedars, whistler, British Columbia